Monday, June 7, 2010

In Paradise

In the matter of a simple phone call you were gone.

Don't get me wrong, the last words shared were something worth smiling about. BUT I wasn't expecting the last worlds to come so soon.
Someone so genuine, protective, humble, smarter then anyone seemed to understand ...a good one taken away.
We shared drama, smiles, tears and who knows what else a BIG brother and BABY sister could share. You watched me grow and helped me see somethings in a different light.
We may not have shared the deepest of moments, but the things shared were worth ever moment.
I do not know how I am going to deal with having you gone. But I KNOW that you are in a better place watching over us all.

You were a man of style, always recreating yourself to world. The people on the outside knew you as these different images, alias ...but to me you simple were, are MY BIG BROTHER CORY

Yes, I know you are GONE
but trust and believe you
NEVER, EVER be forgetten...
I Love You Big Brother, Rest In Paradise
Jefferson 'Cory' Johnson

Sunday, June 6, 2010

No Words Can Describe

Its been a while since we've talked, there just seemed to be a lot going on around me recently that has side tracked me from laying down some of my thoughts. Things that have become to overwelming or even bigger then i will ever understand.

Debating with my HEAD and HEART about this thing called love
and LOSSING someone in the blink of eye not knowing why.

My HEAD is at world wind, moving at a pace that I cannot fully understand
Trying to figure out if I should take on this word called love,
Trying to understand why someone would want to hurt you.

My HEART is broken, as though something was taken from me with no remorse
Not knowing if I take on something else how my heart will be treated,
Not knowing why someone would want to take a life from another.

As I sit here and share some brief thoughts about things that have happened recently ...Im stuck with these UNSPOKEN WORDS that linger through SCATTERED THOUGHTS about these UNANSWERED QUESTIONS.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Emotional Maze

What is happiness? The dictionary says good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy
-- We all want to achieve this at some point in own lives. Some sooner rather than later.

People live life as though it is an obstacle course. We physically fight against all the odds in our own way. Trying to build a strength to which we feel no one can break us.

When we try and face thing based off our emotions, it similar to a maze. We want to know which direction will lead us to the center of our happiness but always seem to hit that wall. The wall forces us to take a step back and to carry on a new path. With this new path we can only hope we do not run into another wall.

We all face have reached thses high points in which we give praise but we have also hit those points where we just want to give up. But realize we have to fall in order to get up. WITH JOY COMES PAIN.

We could only hope our TRUST does not become DOUBT
And know with LOVE comes HEARTACHE

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Decade

We finally brought in the New Year.

We brought it in knowing we wanted to start off with a bang.

Making sure we kept ourselves around the company that would help us enjoy our time away.

"We came to get krunk, How bout you, Bottles up, Lets go round two !"

We all got together so that we can have a reunion. Knowing we are a unit from a while back. Holding down the bond we had created through the long years that we have spent together.

Class Of 2008 ♥

Saturday, October 10, 2009


What is pride? The dictionary says it is a lofty and often arrogant assumption of superiority in some respect.

Pride leaves you blind
-> to whats right under your nose
-> to see whats real

It can work with or against you.
Working with to get a sense of oneself.
Against, simply leaving you in the dark to things around you.
Needing to be realistic about what is going on ... BLINDED BY PRIDE

Needing to put the pride aside sometimes. Its getting in the way of seeing whats real.

"Coming To Term With My Inner Being"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


EMOTIONS ran high

FEELINGS got deep

MIND went crazy

then the HEART grew cold

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Unspoken Words
--> Silenced so no one can hear what you are thinking.

Unasnwered Questions
--> There are some which were left unsaid. They dwell in the minfs of those afraid to ask.

Scattered Thought
--> They stay lingering in your mind. So many you don't know what to think anymore.